


|| History ||

The Raging Tide Guilds List was created 17 December 2009 by BeingHope of Raging Tide.
Since then, factions have gone in and out of the list, from the active to the inactive list.
The reason why it was dubbed "Raging Tide (PvE) Guild List instead of Faction List was to preserve the tradition from past lists.
However, because of this website, I have changed it back to Faction just for the purpose of...
New beginnings, and new starts.

|| Why it was made ||

The Raging Tide Guilds List was made by me (BeingHope) due to the fact I was in awe of all the other lists from other servers.
I was from Harshlands prior to Raging Tide and the guild list in Harshlands gave me inspiration to join many factions there.
So when Raging Tide came out, I quickly jumped to the job of keeping it updated and make it like other lists that were successful.
Of course, I got lazy and did not update at many points, but with this website, it will be easier for all of us.
The list is here for those who are new this server, or already have been on this server but looking for a faction.
Even though Core Connect has now added Guilds, it does not have the capabilities that a list can have.
So this is why it was made :)

|| Kudos ||

Kudos to TruthWarren who brought up the idea and topic of having a website for the list.
If it was not for him, this new version of the list would never had been possible.
Kudos to all those additionally who gave me websites to try out for this..
In the end, I decided on Weebly because of how organized and easy it was to make and update!